Sunday, May 3, 2009

I write to inform thee of the fortuitous birth of Mayday Issue 1. Please go read the issue, and feel free to comment here about anything you find there. We also have a Facebook group, so join up.

We're very proud of this first issue and hope it's only a fraction of the glory that is to come. In fact, we're so happy about this first issue, we're almost jealous of ourselves for having put it together.

Also, we are now open for submissions, so go to the site and read the guidelines and send us something.



  1. Welcome to blog world, yo! Missed you last week -- will we ever connect before we depart Ohio, or will we forever be lost from each other?

  2. MAY DAY is terrific, Okla. Congratulations!

  3. chris, i'm in columbus on friday. let's do lunch.

    duff, thank you very much. perigee is a tough act to follow in terms of online journals, but we're trying.

  4. Dude, I'm gone from this Friday until next Friday. Then I'm here until the 4th of June.

    (on a side note, I have been hearing/reading a lot of positive things about Mayday in many different writing communities! good work)

  5. yah, we apparently did something worthwhile with issue 1. and i think issue 2 is going to top that. are you giving us something for that one?
